Our mission

The activity of the Chamber of Commercial Diplomacy with the Swiss Confederation consists of:

Commercial Diplomacy Chamber with the Swiss Confederation The Swiss Confederation aims to initiate and organize relations with the Swiss authorities and create effective methods of interaction, based on continuity and professionalism, with the aim of developing relations regarding internal or external investments, intellectual property, research and technological progress, tourism, consumer protection, health, telecommunications, competition policies, active and national corruption prevention legislation, business facilitation including through trade missions, business networking, partner search and negotiation, capture and dissemination of commercial information , the organization of export promotion events, counseling in solving entrepreneurs’ problems with creditors, solving commercial disputes or access to different markets, reuniting partners from a country of origin with those from our country.

Initiating, cultivating and maintaining dialogue and business relations in the two countries

Inter-partnership information on legislation on trade and economic relations

Interactive promotion of business opportunities between stakeholders

Realization of an interactive program of fairs and exhibitions in the two countries

Preparation of analysis and synthesis materials following the study of international business market trends, in order to maintain a constant pace in the process of regional and global economic integration

Development of relations with the authorities of the two states identified with attributions in the field of foreign trade, international economic relations and business environment

Providing specialist advice to all institutions and companies, with a view to concluding commercial and cooperation transactions, including in third markets

Supporting the process of monitoring bilateral trade and economic relations, by applying the concept of complementarity, in relation to state authorities

Promoting the Romanian and Swiss realities, taking into account the awareness of investors from the two states regarding the creation of mutually advantageous partnerships

Organizing and promoting specialized educational programs, taking into account the possibility of exchanges of experience, in all ways that can be generated, between the two states

Defending the interests of the active actors in the markets of the two states, in relation to the national authorities and protecting the image regarding the good practice activity of these operators

Ensuring the stability of trade relations, by promoting permanent contacts and by prioritizing the development of actions to ensure a climate of mutual trust between the two business environments

Setting up a stable and efficient climate of public-private partnership, in order to attract investments

Providing mutual assistance on a minimum verification of the creditworthiness of companies proposed as future partners

Any other activities leading to the configuration and harmonization of working systems in trade between the two States and in third markets

Determining the interest and sensitivity rate of the sales markets in the two states, compared to the promoted products

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